Finally, I’m launching my blog. I’ve been thinking about doing it for sometimes, and it’s finally here. To be honest I’m very nervous about this but also excited! 😀

My Story

I started my coding journey in 2018. The first time I just replaced few URLs in an HTML email template for a client and then he asked me to change the background color of an element in that template. I did a google search “how to change the background color of an element“. Science then I fell in love with coding, especially with web development.

I taught myself HTML, CSS, Javascript, WordPress. Now I’ve been learning ReactJs and NodeJS for almost a year.

The blog’s purpose

As I said above, I’m a self-thought web developer I’ve spend many hours searching for answers in multiple forums and sites. I want to create this blog so I can share all the things I’ve learned. Hopefully, it will help someone else.

  1. Share my journey as a web developer.
  2. Explain day to day development problems and their solutions.
  3. Learn new technologies and share my experience.
  4. last but not least improve my English writing skill.

Do you have a question in mind?

I’m not an expert, I’m learning new things every day. If you have a specific topic in your mind feel free to email me and I’ll create a post about it.

Thank you for reading this post, I hope I will help you learn something new with my posts.

Take care 🙂

Dipankar Maikap

Dipankar Maikap

I'm a freelance web developer. I work out of Kolkata, India. My favorite number is 77.

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